Massachusetts Police Written Exams
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all applicants for Police Officer vacancies must pass the Civil Service Exam for Police. This includes Civil Service Municipal Police Departments, the MBTA Transit Police and State Trooper vacancies in the Massachusetts Department of State This exam is offered at select times throughout the year. The test is conducted at various sites across the state and is the first step in the police hiring process, even before filling out an application. Test scores are used to generate a ranked list of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment by each jurisdiction.
The test is based upon the Law Enforcement Abilities Battery (LEAB) that is published and administered for the state by PSI. The exam has three components:
Written Ability Test
Life Experience Survey
Work Styles Questionnaire
The highest rated prep course for the LEAB is the LEAB QuikPrep course by Sgt. George Godoy. It covers all three section of LEAB in depth, plus much more.
Some agencies have opted out of the Civil Service exam process in favor of using a testing service called Police Exam Solutions. PES does not offer a study guide, but their test is very similar to the LEAB. If your agency uses PES, you need to get the LEAB QuikPrep to prepare.
The Massachusetts State Troopers use the LEAB as their Written Exam
The MBTA Transit Police require use the LEAB as their Police Written Exam.