Pass the NYPD Exam

How to Pass the NYPD Written Exam

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Best NYPD Test Prep

 The NYC Police Officer's Entrance Exam has approximately 85 questions covering 9 cognitive abilities topics (see below.) The test time allowed is 2.5 hours. 

The NYPD written test is administered by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services and is one of the early steps required in order to move forward in the hiring process.

Since thousands of people apply each year to the NYPD, serious candidates need to prepare for this exam with a prep course that has a proven track record for success.

Be aware that the NYS Civil Service Exam, the New York State Police Trooper Examination and the Port Authority Police Officer Exam are slightly different.

Questions Included on the NYPD Exam

Best NYPD Test Prep Course


The NYPD written test includes questions on the following topics.

  1. Memorization (study a photo for 5 minute)

  2. Reading Comprehension (aka Written Comprehension)

  3. Reasoning - Deductive

  4. Information Ordering (aka Semantic Ordering)

  5. Spatial Orientation

  6. Reasoning - Inductive

  7. Problem Sensitivity

  8. Visualization

Notice that two subjects commonly found on other police exams are NOT included in the NYPD Exam - Math and Grammar (spelling, vocabulary, etc.) The emphasis for the NYPD is on logical reasoning and being able to read and follow written procedures and reports.


Free NYPD Practice Test

Here is a great, free practice test for the NYPD Written Test. Click on the image to start.

Best New York Police Test Prep Course