How to Pass the DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam

DEA Diversion Investigator Exam

DEA Diversion Investigator Exam and Panel Interview

DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam Prep by Sgt. Godoy

DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam Prep by Sgt. Godoy

The DEA (US Drug Enforcement Agency) is an elite law enforcement group that operates at the cutting edge of criminal investigations. The DEA needs people who measure up physically and mentally to enforce our nation’s drug laws and make a difference in our fight against drug trafficking.

Both the DEA Diversion Investigator written exam and the panel interview are critical first steps in the Diversion Investigator hiring process. The DEA Diversion Investigators entry-level written exam is challenging and requires good preparation in order to standout as an applicant.

NOTE: Information on this page only applies to the position of DEA Diversion Investigator Exams for related job titles like Forensic Sciences, Intelligence Research and Administration are not covered here. Here is information about the DEA Special Agent exam.


DEA Diversion Investigator Exam - Phase 1 - Online Questions

DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep by Sgt. Godoy

Candidates who meet minimum qualifications based on the initial online application will receive an email invitation to complete the DI Assessments. Phase 1 of the DI Assessments will be completed online and include the Assessment Questionnaire and Biographical Data Questionnaire. These assessments measure the following competencies: Attention to Detail, Customer Service, Flexibility, Integrity/Honesty, Interpersonal Skills, Mathematical Reasoning, Oral Communication, Self-Management, Stress Tolerance, Teamwork, Technology Application, and Writing.

Questions on the DEA Diversion Investigator Proctored Exam

DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam  Prep by Sgt. Godoy

DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep by Sgt. Godoy

DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep

DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep by Sgt. Godoy

The DEA Diversion Investigator Proctored Exam (Phase 2) has three main components:

  • Mathematics Assessment

    • This test consists of 15 multiple-choice questions. Each question requires you to apply mathematical reasoning to solve a problem. A standard calculator and scratch paper will be provided to each test-taker at the proctored testing center. You will have 55 minutes to complete the assessment.

  • Judgment

    • The test consists of 30 separate scenarios that describe hypothetical work situations one could encounter on the job. You will be asked to draw on your experience in working with others, making decisions, and solving problems to answer questions related to each scenario. There are two questions associated with each scenario, for a total of 60 questions. There are 75 minutes allocated to complete the test

  • Written Exercise

    • The test presents brief background information and asks you to write an essay summarizing the information and making a recommendation based on the information provided. You will be evaluated on the quality of your writing and on your problem solving skills. You will have 30 minutes to review the background information and compose your response


What is the Best DEA Diversion Investigator Prep Course?

DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam  Prep by Sgt. Godoy

DEA Diversion Investigator Entrance Exam Prep by Sgt. Godoy

Based upon over 1,000 5-star reviews on ShopperApproved ™, the best DEA Diversion Investigator test prep course on the market is by Sgt. George Godoy. Reasons students rate DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep Course so highly include:

  • All DEA Diversion Investigator test topics are covered in detail
  • In-depth, video-based tutorials
  • Hundreds of practice questions
  • Math includes weights & measures plus dosage calculations
  • Extensive training and practice for Situational Judgment test
  • Realistic, computer-based practice essay
  • In-depth, video-based tutorial for leaving the best impression with the Panel Interviewers
  • Lifetime access for a one-time fee
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Personal support from a veteran cop and police recruiter
  • Bonus material included:
    • How to Prepare for your Background Investigation
    • How to Not Fail the Polygraph
    • Best Practices for the Psych Exam
Learn more about the DEA Diversion Investigator Test Prep Course